Monday, October 28, 2013

Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions and most of them are made with the ears. What do you call your favorite pet expression?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A #cat's tongue is scratchy because it's lined with papillae—tiny elevated backwards hooks that help your cat groom itself #themoreyouknow

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Dangers to Pets

There are plenty of ways to find trouble on Halloween, particularly if left alone with a bag full of goodies. Chocolate is more harmful to pets than any other candy. In general the darker the chocolate, the more toxic it can be. Symptoms in dogs that have ingested chocolate can include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy or agitation, elevated heart rate, and in severe cases seizures.

The candy itself isn't the only threat--ingestion of foil and cellophane wrappers can in some cases cause life threatening bowel obstructions, which often require surgical intervention.

If you suspect your pet has ingested any of your Halloween treats, please contact your veterinarian.

Jane Bishop, VT
Unscented clumping litter is recommended and preferred by most cats. Come in and we can chat about litter today!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

#Cats have more than 100 vocal sounds, while #dogs have about 10. Who’s louder in your home?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Spending time exercising and socializing your puppy is one of the most important gifts you can give to your new family member.

Lack of socialization is a common cause of behavior problems later in life. Some good ways to insure a well rounded, socialized puppy may include puppy classes, which not only teach obedience, but introduce your puppy to other dogs and people. Go for car rides, run the vacuum cleaner, give your puppy a bath, or go out to meet your neighbors.

Exercise and mental stimulation are also very important to raising a well rounded puppy. Playtime with your puppy is great bonding time, and gives your puppy a chance to learn how the world works. Many unwanted behaviors can be linked to inadequate exercise and mental stimulation. Provide safe, interactive toys for our puppy to play with.

Your puppy will also need to experience some alone time. Time to rest and time to play on their own. This will aid in the prevention of developing separation anxiety.

Another very important aspect for your new puppy will develop good bathroom habits. Remember that your puppy will learn best with a consistent routine and positive reinforcement. Using a crate can help ease the potty training process. It is important to know that a crate is NOT a place of punishment; it is meant to be a safe haven for your puppy.

Owning a new puppy is a big learning curve. Most importantly, have lots of fun together. Set your puppy up for success by making the process fun and positive.

Enjoy your time with your puppy and remember he is learning every day and you are his best teacher.

Jane Bishop, VT

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cognitive Changes in Older Pets

Older pets are the most rapidly growing segment in many Veterinary clinic populations. In part this is due to better and more sophisticated treatment, leading to longer living pets. Common client complaints and signs of cognitive decline include disorientation, alterations in social and environmental interactions, changes in sleep/wake cycle and changes in elimination behaviors.

As your pet ages the importance of a complete medical work up is recommended every 6 months. In pets with healthy kidney and liver function, there are a variety of medications that can be used to ease some symptoms.

Jane Bishop, VT
DVM 360

Friday, October 18, 2013

What Pet Owners Should Know About Roundworms and Hookworms

What Pet Owners Should Know About Roundworms and Hookworms

People can become infected with roundworms and hookworms from their pets. Dogs and cats that are infected with these parasites can contaminate their surroundings through fecal matter. The eggs and larvae can survive in the soil at parks, playgrounds and your yard.

Hookworm larva penetrate into the skin causing skin inflammation and infection. They can also penetrate into deeper tissue such as the intestines and other organs.

Roundworms enter the body when the eggs are ingested.  The larvae travel through the liver, lungs, and other organs. In some cases these larva can produce condition know as visceral larva migrans.
These larvae can cause tissue damage, nerve damage and occasionally blindness.

By keeping your pets on a monthly dewormer, such as Sentinel or Trifexis, and good general hygiene, you can prevent these infections.

For more information go to or

Tammy Washburn, LVT

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Importance of Annual Examinations

Annual Pet Examinations and The Rising Cost of Pet Care:

It is very important to bring your pet to see your veterinarian at least once a year. 

Vaccines are generally required annually once your pet reaches adulthood. Puppies, of course, require a regiment of vaccinations throughout their first year. The kennel cough vaccine, which is given twice a year, is another exception to the general rule of annual vaccinations.

As your pet ages or as health issues arise your pet may need to be seen more than once a year. Most pet owners understand that pets age faster than humans. So, if you only brought your pet in once a year, that would be like you going to the doctor every seven years.

A lot of changes can occur to your pet's health in a year. If your pet is on any long term medication your pet should be seen 2 - 4 times per year for an exam and blood work.

Some Ideas That May Help:

With the instability of the economy, we are all feeling the pinch of rising costs. Budgeting for pet care and medications is very important. It may help are to break your annual visit into two visits (or every six months). Ask your veterinarian if you can get more than one month's worth of medications. Some medications, however, by federal law can only be filled every 30 days.

Using preventatives like heartworm, flea, and tick products monthly year round are cheaper than treating the disease that your pets can get if you do not use these preventatives.

Finally, you may want to inquire about pet health insurances, which may cover the cost of preventative health care.

Amy Marcum, LVT

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rising Cost of Veterinary Care

by Amy Marcum, LVT

You may ask yourself why each visit to the vet seems to cost more and more. Just like when you buy a bag of chips, it costs you more per bag with less chips than there used to be.

The technology and equipment are much better today than 10 years ago.  our blood machines and tests are more accurate and run in minimal time for faster results.  Equipment such as digital x-ray and digital ultrasound all allow us to access better quality images in less time.  To you this means less waiting and better medicine.

Our new, up-to-date computer system allows us to store more client and pet information such as test results, pictures, x-rays and lab reports all within the electronic medical history of the patient. This information can also be shared with the client within the exam room! While this is wonderful for doctors to provide a better service and treatment for our patients, these all come with a large cost to us for providing this overall exceptional and quality experience.

Another issue is the rising cost and availability of medications, which make it frustrating for us and our clients. The FDA has shut down many drug companies due to violations with their process, which has caused the cost of some medications to increase in price and limited availability. We try to keep our prices affordable.

Our doctors and technicians went to school and are licensed to practice. To keep their license, they must attend continuing educational seminars and meetings, requiring them to learn new techniques, procedures for treating various conditions and diseases. We are constantly learning and training our support staff of assistants, and receptionists on new treatments and products to keep our clients informed.

All of this comes with a price. We strive to provide the highest, most cost effective veterinary medicine to our clients and their pets.  "We place a higher value on the health of the pet, whereas most low cost, spay-neuter clinics don't meet the standard of care." Dr. Scott Tritsch

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Making a Disaster Plan for Your Pet

Making a Disaster Plan for Your Pet

When natural disasters occur having a plan for your pet(s) can make a difference. Have a safe place where both you and your pet(s) can go if you have to evacuate. Below are several things to do to prepare.

Make sure your pet has some type of ID (microchip or tag). Also have a current photo of your pet(s) in case they become lost.

Have enough non-perishable food and water for 3-5 days. Food needs to be kept in an air and water tight container.

Medications need to also be in an air and water tight container for 3-5 days. Make sure the directions are written down for someone else to read.

First Aid kit for your pet. This should include cotton bandage rolls, bandaging tape, scissors, first aid cream, alcohol, saline and gloves.

Have available extra trash bags, paper towels and gloves to clean up your pet's waste material. You may also want to have some household bleach available for disinfecting.

A carrier for your pet.  Some pets feel more secure in a carrier and there is less chance of them escaping.  Also have leashes, collars or harnesses available.

For more information go to HYPERLINK "",, or

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What is Parvovirus

What is Parvovirus?

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that can produce a life-threatening illness.
The virus rapidly attacks your dog's system, severely affecting the intestinal tract, along with attacking white blood cells and other parts of the system. In young puppies it can damage the heart muscles and cause the animal a life time of heart issues.

Symptoms of Parvovirus:



Foul-smelling and/or bloody diarrhea

Loss of appetite

How is Parvovirus transmitted?

Parvovirus is highly contagious and can be transmitted by any animal, person or object that come in contact with the infected dog feces. It is a highly resistant virus and can live in the environment for months. It can live on items like food bowls, blankets, shoes, clothes, carpets, floors and in the soil. 

NOTE: It is not veterinary recommended to purchase vaccination from anywhere but a veterinary clinic, many times during transport of vaccinations they are not stored at proper temperature causing the vaccine to become ineffective.

How can Parvovirus be prevented?

The easiest way to prevent Parvovirus is to keep your dog up to date on vaccination.  Adults should be vaccinated yearly and puppies are recommended a 4 set series of shots with the last one being given after 16 weeks of age.

Because the virus can live in the environment for so long you should take extra care to make sure that your dog is up to date on the parvovirus vaccination before taking them to an unfamiliar area.

Treating Parvovirus:

Parvovirus can be very expensive to treat because there aren't any drugs that actually kill the parvovirus.  Treatment is usually very aggressive and straight forward. the patient is usually hospitalized and treated with antibiotics, drugs to control vomiting and diarrhea, IV fluids and vitamins.
In some severe cases the dog may need to be given a blood transfusion, blood serum or antibodies.

For more information:  http://m.petmd/dog/conditons/infectious-parasitic/c dg canine parvovirus infection.

By: Tracy Frost, LVT