Thursday, November 20, 2014

Has your dog been diagnosed with diabetes?

By Jane Bishop

 If so, take a deep breath. With good care and monitoring, your dog can live a normal healthy lifespan. Although diabetes can’t be cured, the condition can be successfully managed with daily insulin injections, and changes in diet and lifestyle.

      Controlling diabetes often requires insulin injections every day to restore your diabetic dog’s insulin level, and manage blood glucose concentrations. Each diabetic dog’s requirements are different, so you will need to work with your veterinarian to find the correct dose and treatment regimen for your pet. It may be necessary for your dog to stay at the veterinary clinic for a few days so your Doctor can closely monitor your dog’s response to treatment.

        If your dog does need daily insulin injections, you’ll need to learn how to administer them. At first you may be nervous or even afraid of giving your dog an injection. You’re not alone! Many pet owners are anxious about giving injections. It is easier than you think, and you will quickly learn how to handle daily injections with little stress for your pet or for you.

       Monitoring your dog’s blood glucose concentration is a very important part of diabetes management. Because each diabetic pet is different, your veterinarian will need to help you determine which method of monitoring will work best for you and your dog.

         Diet plays a vital role in helping to keep your dog’s diabetes regulated. Suggested foods include W/D or G/D. These foods include a source of quality protein, in addition to complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber to help slow absorption of glucose from the digestive system. It also usually has a low fat content. Overall, a palatable and nutritious diet that minimizes fluctuations in blood glucose and helps your dog maintain a healthy weight is important for managing diabetes.

          Exercise helps keep pets active, healthy, and happy. For diabetic dogs however, exercise needs to be regulated because activity affects your dog’s blood glucose concentrations. It is best to create a consistent exercise routine for your diabetic dog to avoid sudden changes in glucose requirements. If you are concerned about the amount of exercise your diabetic pet needs, please contact the staff at Central Kentucky Veterinary Center.

           Diabetes can affect a dog differently over time. While you may feel confident in your ability to care for your diabetic dog, visiting your veterinarian regularly will help you to successfully manage the condition. With a chronic condition like diabetes, it is important to stay in close touch your veterinarian and clinic staff.

            You can rely on the staff at Central Kentucky Veterinary Center to answer all your questions and help you as you learn to manage your dog’s diabetes successfully.  You can reach us at 502-863-0868.

** Not all insulin and syringes are equal,  always use what your veterinarian recommends.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Feline Diabetes Management

By Tammy Washburn, LVT 

            Feline Diabetes affects ¼ million cats each year and treating them can be challenging.  Most cats will need to be on insulin twice a day and a specific food for the rest of their life. Routine  
veterinary checks are recommended.

            Diabetic cats will need to be on a low carbohydrate, high protein or high fiber diet.  This type of diet is digested slowly and helps to maintain lower blood glucose levels.  Because diabetics are prone to obesity it is important to control the portions of food given. Some of the diabetic diets available are Hills M/D, W/D or Purina DM.  In rare cases some cats can be maintained on diet alone.  

             Along with a controlled diets most cats will need to be on insulin twice a day for the rest of their life.  Insulin helps to lower blood glucose concentrations.  It is important that cats eat before giving insulin to prevent the glucose levels from dropping too low.   Feeding and insulin injections should be given at about the same time each day.  We recommend keeping Karo Syrup on hand in case their glucose level drops too low.  If this occurs you may notice you cat acting sleepy or stumbling when it walks.  Whenever there is a question as to if insulin should be given or how much never hesitate to Central Kentucky Veterinary Center 502-863-0868. 

            Glucose checks need to be done periodically throughout the year to make sure the appropriate dose of insulin is being given.  If you notice your cat is losing weight, drinking more water, or acting lethargic give us a call.  The glucose level may be too high or too low. 
Not all insulin or syringes are equal.  Always check with your veterinarian.


            For more information you can go to,,



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What is Diabetes Mellitus

By Kristi Skelton, LVT

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that can affect both cats and dogs.  The disease can cause
similar symptoms in both species including increased appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, and increased urination.  These symptoms all correspond to a lack of glucose in the body tissues. 
When an animal ingests glucose it travels from the bloodstream to the tissues and eventually to the cells of the body via a transport hormone called insulin.  If the pancreas is producing too little insulin or no insulin at all the glucose remains trapped in the bloodstream where it is filtered by the kidneys.  In a non-diabetic animal the kidneys will reabsorb the glucose found in the bloodstream.  However, in the diabetic animal there is too much glucose to reabsorb and the extra is lost in the urine along with excess water.  This causes the animal to urinate more and thus drink more. 

If the tissues of the body are not supplied with glucose the body goes into starvation mode.  It begins to breakdown proteins, starches, and fats as a source of energy.  Fats are broken down into ketones which can be used as an energy source in desperate situations.  Ketones are eventually excreted in the urine.  Even though the animal is eating more than usual the body is not getting the required glucose it needs so the breakdown of other energy sources, such as fat, cause significant weight loss.   

Along with clinical symptoms the diabetic animal is diagnosed with blood tests and urine tests which can show increased glucose levels and the presence of ketones.  After a pet is diagnosed with diabetes it must be carefully regulated and maintained for the lifetime of the animal.   
If you have any question please contact Central Kentucky Veterinary Center 502-863-0868.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Health Treat Ideas for Your Pets

By Tracy Frost 

In today’s world our pets have become a huge part of our family and we tend to spoil them by giving them special snacks; but are we giving them the right ones?  Many times those treats are actually harming our pets.  Even those we buy at the store are high in fats and causes our pets to gain unwanted weight which can lead to many physical problems and other health issues. Table scraps can be even worse.  Oily and fatty foods, which are often found on our tables, can lead to severe dog/cat health problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, and pancreatitis. Even worse, there are several people foods that are highly toxic to animals. Onions or any food prepared with them, for instance, can be unsafe for dogs/cats and should never be given to them.  Table foods also contain a higher amount of sodium, which can be harmful to our old pets, or any animal that suffers from some types of kidney, liver, or heart disease. The excess sodium can cause high blood pressure or the accumulation of excessive body fluid. So here are some easy natural and health alternative to try.


Brown rice: is an especially good food for dogs with upset stomachs. 

Red Peppers: are packed with vitamins and dogs love their sweet taste.

Pumpkin: is rich in carotenoids, beta-carotene, alpha carotene, fiber, zinc, iron, vitamin A, and potassium.  It can also help your dog lose weight because it’s low in fat, but filling.

Apple slices:  are a great sweet treat, but also contains calcium, vitamin K, Vitamin C and pectin.

Quinoa: is different type of grain that is great for dogs that have grain sensitivities and, like brown rice, is great at settling the stomach.

Carrots: you can feed these raw, as a crunchy snack to help reduce tartar, or you can cook them and add to your dog’s dinner.

Cauliflower/Broccoli: are great cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables that dogs love. (Just remember too much can cause your dog to have gas).

Dehydrated Apricots: these are great for those dogs who have a sweet tooth.



Fish: Most cats love fish, and it can provide some much needed nutrients for them.

Eggs: Eggs are great for cats because they're rich in protein.

Meat: animal meat is one of the safest human foods to give a cat.

Broccoli: If you notice your cat chomping on house plants, try feeding it a small portion of steamed broccoli. This could satisfy their desire for greens, and keep them away from potentially toxic house plants. Veggies, like plants and grass, can also help your cat clear up digestive troubles.

Melon: melon could be a good bite to feed cats to stop them from chewing on house plants. Cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon are fine for your cat to ingest in small quantities, as long as seeds are removed. The fruits can help your feline with digestive issues.

Spinach: Once again, if your cat is craving some green stuff, spinach can be a good way to go.  Especially when you are trying to help your pet relieve tummy troubles. Spinach should not be fed to cats with a history of urinary or kidney problems, since the calcium oxalates in the leaf can form crystals in the urinary tract.

Cheese:  Cheese is a good source of protein for felines, but since many cats are lactose intolerant, larger portions can cause digestive issues. Try feeding your feline friend cottage cheese or low-lactose cheeses before attempting anything richer.



Broccoli: Vitamins A and C, plus B vitamins and calcium. Good fiber, low fat.

Kale: Vitamins A, C, and K, plus calcium and beta-carotene. Found in most grocery stores. Clip raw pieces to cage bars or wedge in toys.

Blueberries:  Vitamin C and antioxidants. Not as carbohydrate-rich as some fruits, but feed sparingly.

Sweet Potatoes: Calcium, Vitamins A, B, C, and E – serve small portions; they are high in starches and sugars.

Carrots: Beta-carotene, Vitamins B and C, and folic acid. Slice in sticks so birds can hold like foot toys.

Almonds: Lower in fat than many nuts. Feed only as an occasional treat – in shell for larger birds or in pieces for smaller birds.

Papaya: Beta-carotene and fiber without the fat. Serve dried pieces in moderation due to high carb count.

Red peppers: Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and fiber – plus mostly water, so low in calories.

Peas: Vitamins A and C, calcium, and potassium. Serve in pod for large birds.

Wheat grass:  Antioxidant vitamins and minerals – grow and serve in a pot to encourage natural preening behaviors.


***  Dangers foods for Dogs and Cats: ***



                                                 MACADAMIA NUTS
                                                 GARLIC (feline)




Trick or Treat

By Amy Marcum, LVT

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons canola oil
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 cups soy flour (or whole wheat)

Preheat oven to 375
Makes 2 dozen
Prep time: 20 min  Cook Time: 40 min

  Combine pumpkin, water, oil, cinnamon, and
nutmeg in a bowl.  Stir well.

Gradually add oatmeal and flour.  Form a dough.

Roll dough to 1/4 inch thick.
Cut with a cookie cutter.

Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet at 375 for
 40 minutes.
Treats should be medium brown on the bottom
If bones are not bone hard then add an additional
5 minutes.  Store in an airtight container or you can
freeze them.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


By Erin St. Charles, LVT 

Cats are strict carnivores and in their natural environment get nutrients from their prey animal's tissues.  This results in a high protein, moderate fat and low carb diet.  Vitamins, minerals and water round out the diet of our feline companions.  Commercially made foods that meet AAFCO standards and have had feeding trial studies done are considered complete or balanced diets and contain the proper levels of each nutrient requirement.
      ·         PROTEINS:
Provide the building blocks of tissues through amino acids. Amino acids are manufactured by the cat and also come from meat and by-product meal.
·         FATS:
Supply energy, essential fatty acids and promote absorption of fat- soluble vitamins Provide palatability Contribute to healthy skin and hair coat.
·         CARBS:
       Provide energy.
·         VITAMINS:
Necessary for chemical reactions in the body and needs fat to be absorbed ( can't convert   vitamins from vegetables) Cats make their own Vit C, and require more Vit B than most species  If you are feeding a complete and balanced commercial diet, supplementation is not needed.
·         MINERALS:
Necessary for structural building and chemical reactions. If you are feeding a complete and balanced diet, supplementation is not needed.
·         WATER:
                    Most important nutrient.
Clean and fresh water should be available at all times. You can also feed canned food that has 75% water content. Adding water to dry food can also increase water intake. 

It is best to choose a complete and balanced diet that matches your cat's life stage and activity level.  Recommendations for feeding amounts are typically on the food bag.  Be aware that these amounts may need to be adjusted to each individual cat but it is good place to start.   

·         Raw diets while high in proteins, increases the risk of parasites, pathogenic bacteria and     nutrient deficiencies which can cause severe medical issues.
·         Milk can be difficult for some cats to digest and can lead to diarrhea.
·         Homemade diets can be difficult to balance and can lead to nutritional deficiencies, over supplementation and possibly cause severe medical issues.  It is best to contact a veterinarian or animal nutritionist to be sure a homemade diet is balanced and appropriate.
·         Over feeding leads to obesity. 

Obesity in cats can lead to many health issues such as:
·         Liver disease
·         Heart disease
·         Kidney disease
·         Respiratory problems
·         Constipation
·         Diabetes
·         Arthritis 

  • Measuring food
  • Feed on a set schedule
  • Limited treats and no table scraps
  • Exercise- areas for climbing, laser lights, regular playtime, feeders that dispense food while cat plays with it
  • light formula or prescription weight loss food. 

       **Hill's makes a variety of prescription weight loss foods for cats.

-Metabolic has added antioxidants and is formulated for an efficient metabolism
 -r/d is low in fat and high in fiber for a low calorie food
 -w/d is a low calorie, low fat food with added antioxidants and is good for diabetics
 -m/d is a low carb, high protein food with added antioxidants.

For more information on weight loss go to Hill's Prescription Diets





Thursday, October 9, 2014

Weight Loss and Weight Control Diets

By Tammy Washburn, LVT
Pet obesity is becoming more and more common.  It is estimated that 50% of pets are overweight.  By keeping our pets at a healthy weight they are less likely to have back problems, difficulty with mobility due to arthritis, and stay active.  There are numerous food companies with a wide variety of diets available.  At this clinic we carry Hills Diets, as they are one of the top dog food companies.  Other companies that we recommend include Purina, Iams, and Royal Canin.  Here are a few descriptions of diets to help you choose which one is best for your pet.

Canine Diets

Metabolic Diet – Is specially formulated to help obese dogs lose weight and once that target weight is reached the dog can remain on this diet.  It has been shown to be 88% effective in 2 months.  It provides the dog with antioxidants to support vitality and holistic health.  This product works with the dog’s unique metabolism to help it lose weight.
R/D- Is primarily for weight loss.  It is shown to reduces body fat by 22% in two months.  High levels of L-carnitine burns fat and maintains lean muscle.
W/D- Is a weight control diet.  Once your pet has reached its ideal weight W/D can be fed to maintain a healthy weight.  High levels of fiber makes the dog feel full after eating a smaller portion.
Ideal Balance Slim and Healthy- Natural Ingredients balanced for a healthier weight.  It helps to burn calories and lose weight in 10 weeks and maintain muscle mass.  This food contains natural grains and fibers for dogs 1-6 year of age.
 For more information on these diets and to help you decide which diet is best for your pet visit Click on Weight Check Tool.

 How do you know if your pet is overweight?
  This chart will help guide you.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Could Osetoarthritis be eaffecting you pet?

By: Jane Bishop
Does your pet have a hard time getting around? If your answer is yes, then your pet may be suffering from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by progressive inflammation and deterioration of the soft tissue, cartilage, and bone in one or more joints, which leads to pain and decreased mobility. It will affect one out of

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Benefits of Fish Oils
by: Tammy Wahsburn, LVT

It is estimated that 11% of dogs and 20% of cats have cardiovascular disease.  Dogs with heart failure are deficient in DPA and EPAs. Omega 3 fatty acids can be supplemented to increase these levels.  Dogs and cats require a higher level of fish oils than people.  Veterinary pharmaceutical companies have developed products such as, Free Form Snip Tips specific to your pet's needs.  It can take 4-6 weeks before the owner sees ant benefits of the fish oils.  For more information visit

Fish oils can also help with the reduction of inflammation associated with osteoarthritis in dogs.  Hill's J/D food provides fish oils that can help to preserve joint cartilage. Within 21 days in dogs and 28 days in cats owners are seeing their pets be more active and most are able to decrease the dosage of pain medication being given.  For more information visit or  

Thursday, September 11, 2014


 ~ Smokie ~
A 14 year old cat, diagnosed with
FIV at 1 year old

The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection is a complex retrovirus that causes immunodeficiency disease in domestic cats. Immunodeficiency is the medical term used to describe the body’s inability to develop a normal immune response. FIV is slow moving, capable of lying dormant in the body before causing symptoms.
FIV is a transmissible disease that occurs more often in

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Feline Upper Respiratory Infection

    By: Kristi Skelton, LVT

    If your cat has ever suffered from symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, and nasal discharge, then it is likely that he or she was experiencing the symptoms of a feline upper respiratory infection.

    Feline upper respiratory infections (URI's) are common in cats but by not means normal.  These symptoms usually last 7 - 21 days and can clear up on their own, but generally require a trip to the veterinarian's office and a prescription for an antibiotic.

    The most common viral agents that cause feline URI's are feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR),
also known as feline herpes virus 1, and feline calici virus (FCV).  All cats that have FVR will become carriers for life and symptoms can flare up during stressful situations.  Only around 50 % of cats that have had FCV will become carriers and although symptoms do not usually reoccur, infected cats serve as a source of infection for other unprotected cats.
    Fortunately, both of these viruses can be vaccinated against. In fact both of these viruses are so common the vaccination for them is considered a "core" vaccine meaning that it is highly recommended.  The vaccine helps decrease the clinical signs.
  So please be sure to keep your cats vaccines up to date with a yearly exam at you local veterinarian's office

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Latest Vaccine Protocol for Dogs and Cats

By Erin St. Charles, LVT

Do you know what your new puppy or kitten needs to be vaccinated for?

Utilizing proper vaccination protocols is a very important part of animal management.  Vaccinations can help protect your pet from diseases such as Parvovirus, Rabies, Influenza, Lyme, Feline Leukemia and Distemper.  In puppies and kittens 4 series of shots will be given between the ages of 6 and 16 weeks at 3-4 weeks intervals.  After the initial booster period the animals should be re-vaccinated annually to maintain protection.  Adult dogs and cats that do not have a known

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Summer Tips for your Pet

Provide plenty of water and keep it in a shaded area.  Some pets like to have ice cubes in their water bowls.

Some dogs enjoy playing in a kiddy pool or in a water hose.

Avoid strenuous activities in the middle of the day.  Walk your dog in the early morning or late evening to avoid the heat.

Provide plenty of shaded areas for them to cool off.   If you have an outdoor bunny hutch make sure it is in a shaded area especially in the mid-day and afternoon hours.

Avoid outdoor activities in crowded areas

Horses with a lot of white on their face may need sunscreen or a mask to keep them form getting sunburned.

Never leave a pet in a closed vehicle.  Temperatures can reach over 100 degrees in a few minutes.

Signs of overheating included excessive panting, lethargy, dizziness, and vomiting.  If you think your pet

is overheated you can place a cool damp towel on their neck, head and chest.  Call your Veterinarian.

For more information visit or

Orphaned Wildlife

By: Tammy Washburn, LVT

Spring seems to have finally arrived here in Kentucky. This is the time of year that flowers bloom and foals are beginning to play in the fields.  This is also the time of ear when most wildlife have their young.

Orphans require special care and the proper milk and foods so that it can recover and be released back into the wild.  Some wild animals can transfer diseases and parasites to people and our pets so it is important to use proper hygiene when handling theses animals.

If you find an orphaned or injured wild animal it is important to contact and get it to the proper trained person.   In the state of Kentucky it is illegal to raise a wild animal.  We have several licensed wildlife rehabbers here in central Kentucky who are trained to care for these animals .

For more information on what to do if you find an injured or orphaned wild animal go to

Sarcoptic Mange in Dogs

By:  Tammy Washburn

Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious mange to both dogs and humans.  The mites burrow deep into the skin causing hair loss and itching.  These mites can be hard to see on a skin scraping.  If the mites aren't seen and the Vet suspects sarcastic mange they will probably go ahead and treat your pet. If your pet is positive for sarcastic mange it is recommended to clean all the pets bedding thoroughly or throw it out. Also be sure to wash your hands after handling or petting your dog.

Demodectic Mange in Dogs

Demodectic Mange in Dogs, by Tammy Washburn LVT

There are two types of mange mites in dogs, Demodectic and Sarcoptic mange. Demodectic mange, as know as Demodex is a non-contagious mite.

The Demodex mite lives in the hair follicles and it is normal for it to occur in small numbers.  A rapid increase in demodex mites occurs in immature immune systems.  Clinical signs include hair loss primarily around the face, but can occur anywhere on the body. The skin is often red and irritated looking.  Your Vet can do  skin scrapping to diagnose mites and will prescribe proper medication for your pet.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Heat stroke can be deadly and can happen anywhere it's warm and your pet can't find a place to cool off! Here are some common signs of heat stroke.

Excessive panting





High fever

Rapid heartbeat

Dark red gums


Warm/dry skin

Staring expressions

Unresponsiveness to surroundings

If you think your pet may be having a heat stroke immediately take your pet to the closest veterinary clinic. It could save their life.

Tracy Frost, LVT

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I am a Survivor!!

I am a Survivor!!
By Tracy Frost

DiMaggio the day he completed his Chemo Last Treatment 

This sweet little boy is Silverdale's Joe DogMaggio (Magi), a 13.5 year old very loving and active Havanese. He loves to go for long walks, play soccer and fetch. His owners, Tom and Gretchen say, “He's a playful, good-natured little guy whom we adore. He's the smartest dog I've ever known.”

Magi is always a very enthusiastic eater, so when he didn’t want to eat, no matter what his owners fed him, they began to worry.  They even tried his favorites; chicken, hamburger and rice, but it still didn’t do the trick. Magi was also starting to struggle with walking far distances, and would lie down shortly after they started. His loving owners were frightened over his behavior, and knew something was seriously wrong.

Magi, was immediately taken to CKVC to see Dr. Weakley, where he informed Tom and Gretchen that Magi's symptoms were consistent with cancer.  With heavy hearts, they listened as Dr. Weakley explained about the two possible types of lymphoma--the good and the bad, in layman's terms.  

After a Needle aspirate was taken, Magi was given a steroid injection to kick his appetite into gear, along with prednisone tablets.  Gretchen said, “Magi began to eat immediately, the first step toward feeling better.” 

Unfortunately, the cytology was inconclusive, so Magi had to undergo a biopsy, which confirmed that he indeed had lymphoma

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cancer Awareness

By: Dr. Kevin Fuller

With the advancement of preventative medicine and disease control, the pet population now has a longevity that exceeds that of ever before. With a higher percentage of the population being in the geriatric ranges, the incidence of cancer has increased as well. It is estimated that nearly 1 out of 4 pets will have some form of