Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rabies is Preventable

Rabies is a preventable viral disease that can affect humans and animals.  In animals once gotten the disease is fatal.
Rabies is spread in this area mostly by bats or skunks; however any warm blooded mammal can contract rabies.  This includes our precious companion animal.  Because of this you should never touch or handle a bat, skunk, or any other wild animal and you should have your pets vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.  The vaccine is given every 1 – 3 years depending on the type of vaccine used and the laws of the state and county.  
Rabies causes acute encephalitis.  In animals the first sign of rabies may be non- specific and include lethargy, fever, vomiting and anorexia.  The signs will progress within days to cerebral dysfunction, cranial nerve dysfunction, ataxia, abnormal behavior, aggression, self- mutilation and eventually death.
If you or your pet are bitten by a stray animal, wild animal or a bat you should immediately wash the area with soap and water.  Then you should contact your doctor or veterinarian and health department, they can guided you with what to do next.
For more information about rabies you can go to  HYPERLINK "" or you can contact us with any questions you may have about your pets.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blueberry Doggy Cheesecake

Blueberry Doggy Cheesecake

2 cups pureed blueberries
8 ouches cream cheese at room temperature
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 cups whole wheat flour 
1 teaspoom valilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Puree blueberries and mix with cream cheese. Add other ingredients and knead until dough is formed. On floured surface, roll sought to 1/4" thickness
and cut into chaps using a cookie cutter of your choice. Place the treats on a greased cookie sheet and bake 15-20 minutes.
Cool and refrigerate.

Friday, September 13, 2013

10 Things We Want Clients to Know

Heartworm prevention should be given year round.
We have a pet crematory on site.
Do not give human medication to your pet without consulting your veterinarian.
If a product says not to use it on cats, then do not use it.
We are available 24 hours a day for emergency care. 
Veterinary medicine is expensive and specialized.
We offer chemotherapy.
Internet pharmacies may not be as they appear.
Over 60% of pets are obese
The mouth is a gateway for diseases.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thinking of getting a new dog?

Always research the dog breed before adding one as a new pet to your family. 
There are many different breeds of dogs, from fluffy and small to huge and protective. Often, people see an adorable puppy and without thinking they bring it home without any background or research of the breed. A high percentage of these puppies end up in a shelter because either the dog wasn't a good fit in personality or the health care cost doesn't fit into the budget. And please note, it is not the dog's fault if the owner has not done their homework on dog training! So, here are some things to think about when looking for a pet.

1. The larger the dog the higher the cost of food and health care
2. Breed personality: does it do well with children and other pets?
3. Does it need lots of exercise, or is it good for apartment life?
4. Common breed health issues
5, Grooming costs
6. Does it need a fence? (The answer is most likely yes)
7 What is the average lifespan?
8. Do you have time to train a puppy or is an adult dog a better fit for you?


by Tracy Frost

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Freezing Canine Semen

We are a Canine Freezing Center for Synbiotics Corporation.  Dr. Tritsch can collect the semen from a stud dog.  The semen is then evaluated, frozen and stored for later shipment to anywhere in the world.  
Once the semen is collected it is evaluated for motility and morphology and the sperm are counted.  The semen is then cooled and frozen in individually labeled straws. The entire process takes 4-5 hours.  The semen is stored in liquid nitrogen, which keeps the semen viable for an indefinite period of time.  
Freezing Semen can help the owner preserve the qualities of a stud dog long after the dog has pasted away.


Don't panic. Rapid response is important, but panicking can interfere with the process of helping your pet.
Take 30 to 60 seconds to safely collect and have at hand any material involved. This may be of great benefit to your vet and/or APCC toxicologists, as they determine what poison or poisons are involved. In the event that you need to take your pet to a local veterinarian, be sure to take the product's container with you. Also, collect in a sealable plastic bag any material your pet may have vomited or chewed.
If you witness your pet consuming material that you suspect might be toxic, do not hesitate to seek emergency assistance, even if you do not notice any adverse effects. Sometimes, even if poisoned, an animal may appear normal for several hours or for days after the incident.
Call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
The telephone number is (888) 426-4435. There is a $65 consultation fee for this service.
Be ready with the following information:
  • The species, breed, age, sex, weight and number of animals involved.
  • The animal's symptoms.
  • Information regarding the exposure, including the agent (if known), the amount of the agent involved and the time elapsed since the time of exposure.
  • Have the product container/packaging available for reference.
Please note: If your animal is having seizures, losing consciousness, is unconscious or is having difficulty breathing, telephone ahead and bring your pet immediately to your local veterinarian or emergency veterinary clinic. If necessary, he or she may call the APCC.
Be Prepared
Keep the telephone number of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center(888) 426-4435—as well as that of your local veterinarian, in a prominent location.
Invest in an emergency first-aid kit for your pet. The kit should contain:
  • A fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, 3 percent USP (to induce vomiting)
  • A turkey baster, bulb syringe or large medicine syringe (to administer peroxide)
  • Saline eye solution
  • Artificial tear gel (to lubricate eyes after flushing)
  • Mild grease-cutting dishwashing liquid (for bathing an animal after skin contamination)
  • Forceps (to remove stingers)
  • A muzzle (to protect against fear- or excitement-induced biting)
  • A can of your pet's favorite wet food
  • A pet carrier
Always consult a veterinarian or the APCC for directions on how and when to use any emergency first-aid item.

Saturday, September 7, 2013



Spending time exercising and socializing your puppy is one of the most important gifts you can tie to your new family member.

Lack of socialization is a common cause of behavior problems later in life.  Some good ways to insure a well rounded, socialized puppy many include puppy classes, which not only teach obedience, but introduce your puppy to other dogs and people.  Go for car rides, run the vacuum cleaner, give your puppy a bath, or go out to meet your neighbors.

Exercise and mental stimulation are also very important to raising a well rounded puppy. Playtime with your puppy is great bonding time, and gives your puppy a chance to learn how the world works. Many unwanted behaviors can be linked to inadequate exercise and mental stimulation.  Provide safe, interactive toys for your puppy to play with.

Your puppy will also need to experience some alone time.  Time to rest and time to play on their own.  This will aid in the prevention of developing separation anxiety. 

Another very important aspect for you new puppy is potty training.  With patience, your puppy will develop good bathroom habits.  Remember that your puppy will learn best with a consistent routine and positive reinforcement.  Using a crate can help ease the potty training process.  It is important to know that a crate is not a place of punishment; it is meant to be a safe haven for your puppy.

Owning a new puppy is a big learning curve. Most importantly, have lots of fun together. Set your puppy up for success by making the process fun and positive.

Enjoy your time with your puppy and remember he is learning every day and you are his best teacher.

Jane Bishop, VT

Friday, September 6, 2013

Your medicine cabinet is not your pet's medicine cabinet!

by: Erin Bergen, LVT

Your medicine cabinet is not your pet's medicine cabinet!  

One of the most common questions that I am asked by clients is what can they give their pet for pain at home. We have all been there...Fido comes home from the dog park after a good romp a little sore and we don't like to see our friend hurting.  The most common NSAIDs (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) that we would take for the same ailment would be Tylenol (acetaminophen), Aleve (naproxen), Motrin (ibuprofen) or aspirin.   What is ok to give?  It is important to understand that dogs and cats do not metabolize medications the same, do not metabolize all medications like humans do and require different dosages.  NSAIDs are no exception.  acetaminophen, naproxen and ibuprofen can be dangerous.  They cant "take two and call us in the morning"!  The most common effects of these medications in our companion animals are adverse reactions in the kidney, liver and digestive tract.  Clinical signs consist of cyanosis (turning blue), respiratory distress, swelling of the face and paws, vomiting, hyperthermia and depression. In worst case scenarios, the kidneys and liver can go into failure resulting in death if not treated or not treated quickly.  In dogs, clinical signs can occur within 4-12 hours and death can occur within 2-6 days as a result of kidney and liver failure.  Cats can be more sensitive to these medications than dogs.  In the clinic we would treat these cases with aggressive supportive care consisting mainly of fluid therapy and a healthy dose of activated charcoal as soon as possible to minimize absorption of these medications into the animal's system.  Time is very important in successful treatment!  So, what can you give at home for those occasional soreness issues?  The best recommendation would be to give us a call and if we have given your pet a recent physical exam we may be able to dispense medication that is formulated for cats or dogs that will be safe for them.  Sometimes, you may also be able to give your dog ( not your cat!) aspirin.  Aspirin should be given with a meal to decrease the risk of stomach upset and should be given sparingly but at the dose of 1mg per pound it can be used occasionally.  For more consistent problems call us and we can help get your pet on a long term pain management plan.  As our regular clients know, you can always call us and ask questions but listed below are also some helpful resources for you.

Poison Hotline. 1-800-213-6680. 
    (for annual members of Homeagain the poison control hotline is free, please visit for more information)

Remember, what is good for the human is not always good for the companion animal!  At Central Kentucky Veterinary Center we want your furry friends to be happy and healthy!  So if they are having trouble give us a call and let us help!  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet

The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet
by Heather Goodlett

Being a receptionist, I receive many phone calls a week from frantic clients that have lost their pets. The pets that are lucky enough to be found have usually been taken to a local shelter or Humane Society.

When a new animal comes to our clinic, one of the first things we do is to scan for a microchip.  When scanned, if the animal has a chip, a number will come up which is specific to your pet. This chip allows many pets to be reunited with their owners.

The procedure is a small injection in the back of the neck, best performed during the initial vet visit. Information such as address or phone numbers can be changed when needed through the company. 

Microchipping is a small price to pay for something as rewarding as finding your beloved pet. For more information such as pricing, or to schedule an appointment, contact CKVC today!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

Written by Dr. Scott Weakley

It’s that time of year again, the peak time for seasonal allergies in dogs.  From the first part of August until about 2 weeks after a killing frost in October, we will see lots of dogs suffering from allergies.  The culprits are plants such as ragweed and crabgrass that produce pollens that your dog can be allergic to.  Fleas can make the allergy season much worse.
Dogs that have allergies to airborne allergens will usually have itchy ears, lick or chew their feet, and rub their faces on the carpet or with their paws.  Inhalant allergy, also known as atopy, can make your dog miserable and can lead to secondary bacterial or fungal infections of the skin and ears.
Treatments to help your dog include frequent bathing in gentle shampoos, fatty acid supplements, antihistamine, and frequently corticosteroids.  Flea prevention or treatment is also important.  Any secondary infections have to be treated also.
  Call us for an appointment to help your dog if he or she is experiencing symptoms of allergies.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Importance of Year Round Heartworm and Flea Prevention in the Dog

The importance of year round heartworm and flea prevention in the dog.

Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal condition caused by the presence of parasitic worms in the arteries of the lungs and heart of dogs.  These worms or Microfilaria are passed from one infected dog to another by Mosquitos.  The most common clinical signs are cough and exercise intolerance.  This disease will infect 100% of the dogs exposed to it that are not on a monthly preventative.  But some may ask "if its transmitted through Mosquitos can monthly prevention be skipped during the winter months when Mosquitos are not active?" The answer in my option is no.  Mosquitos have very short life cycles that are dependent on weather conditions.  They are less active in temperatures below 50 degrees but mosquito eggs do not die in cold weather.  The eggs simply hibernate and when the weather conditions are ideal they will hatch no matter the time of year.  We have all experienced Kentucky's fickle winters, Freezing one day, balmy the next.  Mosquitos can complete their life cycle in a little as 4 days (AMCA) and be out feeding off your canine companion.  So, it is a huge risk to only use heartworm prevention in the warmer months in this area of the country.  No one wants to lose their best friend to a disease that is one of the easiest to prevent.  Heartworm prevention comes in the form of once monthly (most times chewable) tablets that can be purchased from your veterinarian.  Please be aware that the vet needs to have proof of a recent negative heartworm test in order to dispense prevention. There is the risk of complications with preventatives if the dog is heartworm positive.  Today heartworm prevention has also evolved to having other benefits.  Heartworm prevention products also treat intestinal parasites such as hookworms, roundworms and in some cases whipworms.  Today heartworm prevention can have a third face to it with added flea prevention.  All in a once monthly pill!  Fleas, like Mosquitos are weather sensitive and can exist in the environment in this area of the country even durning the winter months if conditions are right.  Unlike Mosquitos, fleas will thrive inside during the winter so if you have battled fleas all summer and think a reprieve will come in the won't!  The safest, efficient and cost effective method to prevent heartworm disease, intestinal parasites and fleas is by prevention before a problem even exists.  1 pill a month is nothing compared to your dogs possible discomfort or death as a result of these parasites!

by: Erin Bergen, LVT